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De Soto Pharmacy's Ice Cream Fountain

Desotopharmacyexterior1_2There's a part in Nicholas Cage's movie "Matchstick Men" where his character dashes into a pharmacy to shake down the pharmacist for his prescription.  That scene was filmed at the De Soto Pharmacy - right here in the San Fernando Valley's Canoga Park, 20914 Roscoe Blvd (Corner of De Soto and Roscoe).

Though the pharmacy's been here for forty years, the ice cream-soda fountain was just added some time in the last decade.  They not only have ice cream, but there are sandwiches, salads, coffee frappes, ice cream sodas, banana splits, New York egg creams and more.   Desotopharminterior2_1

De Soto Pharmacy serves Lappert's ice cream, which is exceptionally creamy and rich.  I got one huge scoop of Kauai pie -a mocha, fudgey, mix with coconut and nuts - in a waffle cone, and couldn't eat the whole thing, as decadently dreamy as it was.Desotopharmacycone_4


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Another great recommendation! Thanks!

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